

Understand Yourself, Understand Your Spouse

Maybe you will find that understanding some things about the way you and your spouse are wired enables you to better understand the way they process, express love, and filter what you say?  

There are assessments like the Enneagram, Strengths Finder, Meyers Briggs, Working Genius, etc. that take us on a journey to discover how we are naturally wired.  

Take some time to take some of these assessments and discuss them on date night. 

Operate in the strengths or your genius area and discuss how to divide and conquer preparing meals, paying bills and planning finances, navigating parenting, planning vacations, cleaning, yardwork, grocery shopping, etc. 

Marriage is work.  It requires us to do a lot of work to manage a life together.  Let’s figure out how to think together rather than fighting to think alike.  The compatibility that brought us together does not necessarily mean we have to think alike.  The key to success in loving what we get to do as we build a life with our spouse rather than dread it hating the work.  When we do what we love our enjoyment, fulfillment and happiness increases.  

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