Winning at the Wrong Things

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Episode Description

As a pastor, Jimmy, on the outside, was winning in every category but inside he was empty and hurting, unsure if he could really be honest about what was going on. In this episode of the Two Equals One Podcast, Jimmy is telling his story. If you are winning at the wrong things, then you are losing at the right things. "You mean you're going to say this out loud?" Are there things in your life that you feel like you cannot say? That the consequences your words would carry for being honest are too great? -------- "People who were honest got in ministry trouble." "I didn't like me, but I wanted everyone else to like me." "I could preach to thousands but couldn't talk to the four that lived in my house." "My medicating became success." "I had a need to be needed." "I have to love our marriage right where it is" "No one is a man of God until their family can say it." -------- Welcome to episode three of the Two Equals One Podcast with Jimmy and Irene Rollins! Join us for a cinematic journey with Jimmy & Irene Rollins, as they tell their story of addiction, pain, and secrets, and how they found "Purpose in the Prison." The balancing act of family, marriage, and ministry came to a screeching halt when their public ministry life and private family life became too much for two broken individuals to manage. At that point, they had a choice to make: quit or face the problem head-on. This is a story of hope and freedom.

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